Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Thing 23

Just recently, I was able to play with ZoHo. I have always been interested in how you could work with documents from home and work alike without having to take copies home (prior to laptops and floppy disks/data sticks). Now that we do have the data sticks, my new thoughts are how these documents can be shared with others and not just yourself from one place to another. The great thing about Wikis is how you can easily create a Wiki and have various groups work through them. What a great way to collaborate with colleagues and the community on different projects. An added feature to sharing would be Del.icio.us. I have had an account with them since the beginning of the school year of which was generated through a brief presentation from tech leaders in our county. I haven't taken full advantage of this account as much as I probably should but this would be a great way to share good sites with colleagues as well.

Going into this course, I had assumed that I was close to being on the cutting edge to work with my own children. How fullish of me to think that. My children find it humorous when watching me take on this venture. Needless to say, how far ahead are the students in our county to where we are? We are only catching up to them. My thing is the application of these great things. Time is limited and precious. A juggling act at times. Putting pertinence on the different "Things" when working on projects or incorporating more technology will be a task for me with most of these things. I am just now on top of Podcasts and finding comfort there. I guess it is time to stretch my comfort zone once again and push forward in the world of technology.

In summary, this has been a great experience. Time was a struggle to find in doing most of these 'things'. I found more than 50% of the tasks if not 75% of them either easy or in my capabilities of figuring out without great assistance. There are those limited few things that I can see not being place in the forefront due to my weakness in them or lack of finding how they would fit into my world at this time.

Thanks to the public library system for affording us this opportunity and opening our eyes to what great 'things' are out there.

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